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How To Prepare Your Home for Interior Painting?

Preparing before painting is key to achieving a superb interior finish. If there's a secret to achieving a quality paint job, it's this: preparation matters. Without proper interior paint prep, there's simply no chance that the finished product will look as sharp and well-done as it could.

Knowing how to prepare the house is helpful when preparing for a large project.

Preparing your home before the paint even hits the wall is a critical step in the renovation process. Here is what you need to know to prepare your home for a fresh coat of paint:

Remove Smaller Objects

Move all breakable items out of the rooms to be painted. And make sure they are boxed and stored away so your painter can move your furniture quickly and easily. The same goes for ornaments or free-standing decorative items you might have about the place. It’s also a good idea to take out anything that may be hanging on the walls to be painted and put them in a safe place. Don’t take chances with your most precious objects. You might want to consider a temporary storage room, such as a basement, attic, or garage.

Move Larger Objects Out

Unless you're working in an empty room, you'll likely have to move furniture out of the way at some point of the interior paint prep process. Move items away from the wall towards the center of the room or remove them entirely. Cover the furniture to avoid damaging it with paint.

Unscrew Outlet and Light Switch Covers

Once the furniture has been pulled away from the walls, you'll be able to see all the light switches and outlet covers. Remove them, along with any vent and return the covers. Why does interior paint prep matter? While you can choose to paint over or around these items, the visual separation between the wall and the cover plates will be blurred.

Now the outlets have small parts; they get lost easily, so tape them to the back of the outlets or put them in separate baggies.

Tape Windows, Doors, and Baseboards

Cover moldings and trims in advance before paint jobs. Apply painters masking tape on baseboards and window sills to prevent unwanted paint smears. Take ample time to neatly cover all the important areas and don’t over tape.

Lay Down Drop Cloths

Lay out floor coverings in the area where you'll be working. If you're painting a wall, it's a good idea to provide cover at least three (3) feet away from the wall. If you're painting a ceiling, cover the entire floor. Canvas drop cloths are absolutely the best coverings for carpets. They're easy to spread out, and unlike plastic, they stay put without tape.

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